Compass House 50th Anniversary Video
In July 2022, Compass House celebrated its 50th Anniversary. We were excited to reflect on all we had accomplished and looked forward to what the next 50 years would bring. During our 50th Anniversary Dinner, we presented a video showcasing past staff and clients of Compass House. We shared this video to help understand the work we did and the impact we were fortunate to make in the of youth since 1972. We hope you enjoy watching the video below to learn more about Compass House
Our Stories:
With Compass House being a part of the WNY community since 1972, we've had the opportunity to impact many lives in so many different ways. Our family at Compass House has grown over the years to include clients, staff, volunteers, and donors all across Erie County. Below are testimonials from former clients that accurately depict what we do here at Compass House.

"I feel the people who work at Compass House treated me like I was family. They made me feel so comfortable. I didn't want to leave. However, I did leave and put ot work all the motivation and great work ethic and self sufficiency that Compass house helped to gear me towards. Now I went to school at Professional Culinary Institute and plan to ultimately establish my own catering business. I am elated at how my life has transformed"
This client had their first encounter with Compass House at the age of 17. Her mother passed away, and she was having difficulty getting along with her father with her mother gone. The client uses our case management services, groups, food bank, and independent living services. Recently the client came seeking employment assistance. The client also wanted to attain her GED. Working with staff at the RC, the client was able to enroll in a CNA training program through Harvest House, and the Buffalo Employment Training Center.
The client required direction to achieve her goals, which was provided by RC staff, and is now on her way to changing her life. The interaction RC staff facilitated between the client and the Buffalo Employment Training Center also lead to the client enrolling in GED classes. The CNA training program is free to this client, and all who complete the training are placed in jobs in their field. As a counselor working with youth, this story identifies for me, sometimes it is the smallest things that mean the most. A simple phone call by a case manager can change the direction of a youth’s life, and in this case has.

"Almost fifteen years ago, I was in a bit of a downward spiral, culminating in my stay at the house, and Compass House really helped me move past that with caring and concern. I think about that darker time in my life, and the biggest favor you did for me during that time was to ask why I was doing things and making certain choices. You helped me understand through self-reflection that I was perhaps not making the best decisions for me or my family, and it was life changing. I can't thank you enough. I now have a very productive, healthy and happy life, and you definitely had a hand in getting me to where I am today."